This document describes how to enable users MySQL log for more detailed monitoring (Not recommended because of disk limitations)
Make the mysql.general_log table MyISAM instead of CSV
Run the following:
CREATE TABLE mysql.general_log_original LIKE mysql.general_log;
ALTER TABLE mysql.general_log ENGINE=MyISAM;
ALTER TABLE mysql.general_log ADD INDEX (event_time);
Enable the general log
Add the following to /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/
If you also want the text version of the general log, add this:
Restart mysql
sudo service mysql restart
Create a general_log table inside custom database:
SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.general_log
-- Use the result above to create our own log table
-- Then use the cron job command below to move logs to our own table
mysql -e "insert into snowframework.mysql_general_log select * from mysql.general_log where user_host like '%[db]%"
mysql -e "truncate mysql.general_log"